Departed Souls

by Rebirth99
Departed Souls
Massive - MMORPG , Come Explore The World Of Departed Souls [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: May 19 2013
Last updated: Sep 14 2022
Last played: Apr 15 2024
88 fans

Waiting List

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Main Owners: Rebirth


Game Masters:N/A

Main Staff



Coder: Rebirth

Mapper: Rebirth

Hub Designer: Rebirth


Man Special thanks to my bro Nour for allowing me to continue the legacy.Also Thanks To My Bro Kewl For Helping Progress The Game Even Farther.


Mystic World RM

Mystic World RM by DarkG

We will be working hard to make this game better and better. Our goal is to have a fun, fair and reliable game that all can enjoy.Do not, this is important, keep harassing Admins for positions. Admin will be given to those who are approved when decision is made and need for admins arise. Admins will be expected to perform correctly or they will be replaced. Any problems, suggestions or concerns can be told to Rebirth.

Departed Souls Production Staff: Rebirth.


Rebirth99: (Jun 9 2022, 12:13 pm)
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