Kingdom Hearts: Realm of Twilight

by Ravor
Kingdom Hearts: Realm of Twilight
I've decided to begin working on a new, better version of the game. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.5
Date added: Mar 5 2008
Last updated: Nov 4 2009
Last played: Jan 21 2009
38 fans

Waiting List

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Game Play
Alright guys, I know last time the game had a lot of bugs and wasn't very well runned. Well this time around the game will be much more sophisticated and will have tons more to do. Everything will be made from scratch to keep the game as original as possible.
Rank Policy
Kingdom Hearts: Realm of Twilight does not believe in giving certain players advantages for ranking the game. They should rank the game if they like it and enjoy it. They should never rank the game just because they think they will get something special. Therefor, we will not give out any rank bonuses to keep a fair rank based on the game's gameplay.
Copyright Information
All names, characters, and any other Kingdom Hearts I/II© work is owned and copyrighted by Squaresoft©, Disney©, and Shinji Hashimoto.
All original code,art,etc in this game that is not owned by Squaresoft©, Disney©, and Shinji Hashimoto is strictly forbidden to be used by any person with the execption of the owners of Kingdom Hearts: Realm of Twilight©.

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HeartBrokenCrime: (Feb 10 2013, 5:09 am)
May sharing source? Since you are doing better things?
Chris172: (Jul 4 2011, 11:06 am)
when will it be up?