Pokemon BlueFire

by RareScar
Collect Pokemon and level them up while conquering challenging dungeons and survival challenges. 200+ Pokemon available! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://RareScar.PokemonBlueFire##version=243

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 5.44.100
Date added: Mar 8 2011
Last updated: Mar 19
Last played: Jan 30
645 fans

Waiting List

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Game Information:
Last game update: March 3rd, 2025 details
Game status: Available for both online and offline play
Current version: 5.44.100
Compiled on DM version: 514.1642
Programmed by: Ter4byte, Prodigy, Team Ctrl-Z and RareScar

1- Item drop chart.
2- Soul Ability list.

Development Team:
Team Ctrl-Z: (General Iconning, Type System Designing, Basic Concept, Basic Programming, PvP System(obsolete))
Just Prodigy: (General Graphics, General Programming, Mapping, Iconing)
RareScar: (General Programming, General Concept, Mapping, Iconing)
Tera: (General Programming, Concept Designer, Mapping, Iconing)
Bum: (Icon Designing, Mapping)
Jonsson: (Glitch Hunter, Concept Designer)
Rakeisha: (Glitch Hunter)
Breaking In: (Mapping, Concept Designer)
Flaming-god: (Iconing, Concept Designer)
Insanastar: (Glitch Hunter)
Raikiri: (Glitch Hunter)
Devan: (Concept Designer, Glitch Hunter)
Rayman Fan: (Iconing, Concept Designer, Glitch Hunter)
Hir0shi: (Concept Designer)
Vermili0n69: (Concept Designer)

We do not claim ownership of the content used in this game. This is an unoriginal game made by fans, for a small group of players. Pokemon and all the content used in this game is property of (its) respective owners.

Recent Medals

Sangrooth Defeated!

Earned by Locus666
Mar 21, 7:49 am

Mewgia Defeated!

Earned by Locus666
Mar 21, 6:44 am