Naruto Bleeding Jutsu

by Ramsfan108
Naruto Bleeding Jutsu
A new naruto game! well u may think its just another game, but this 1 has good GMS and if super fun [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Sep 15 2007
Last updated: Sep 16 2007
1 fan

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Naruto bleeding jutsu

Player Rules:

1. No Advertising other games. Instant IPban.
2. No MA links (Porno). Do not send any of those links. Instant IPban.
3. No NPC names.
4. Do not harass other players. If they say stop just leave them alone.
5. No spamming.
6. No all caps. This meaning no WHAT OMG AGHHH. And don't try tricking us with WhAT OmG AgHhH. We will mute you.
7. Do not mute avoid in anyway. You will be booted then muted again. If you do it again it's a ban.
8. Do not ask for free ranks or edits. You will be muted.
9. Do not complain about lag on the game. You will be muted for stupidity.
10. Do not ask for Kage or any other types of leaders or positions in orgs or villages; ie. ANBU, ANBU-Cap, Sannin, Sage. You will be denied and probably muted.
11. Only GM ranks 7 and above can edit. Ask them for ranker edits only. To see GM ranks go to Commands tab then GMs Online.
12. Do not question the authority of a GM. If you think the GM is abusing take it up with an owner (Veritas or Tsuki) with proof of any type of abuse. Copying and pasting text is not proof. You would need a log or a screenshot.
13. Do not ask for Chuunin exams. Genin and Jounin exams, however, are automatic.
14. When you have a question use the HELP verb located in the Commands tab. If that doesn't help check the forums for anything, like handsigns. If that doesn't help ask players in the game. If they cannot answer your question ask a GM.
15. Do not multikey. You will be booted if you don't log out the other key. If there are two different people but the same ip and different computers you may take the movement test with a GM. You must contact a GM first before being able to multikey. That GM will then add a -™ to your names, and other GM's will know not to boot you.
16. No HTML codes. Meaning no italics, bolding, underlining, or any other types in OOC.
17. State your problem before asking a GM to teleport to you or summon you, they will want to know the problem so they know if they can fix it or not.

Kage Rules:

1. Do not multi-village, but you can multi-clan. Up to 3 clans.
2. Only 12 ANBU's, 1 ANBU-Cap, 3 sannins, and one Sage.
3. Overall it's an awesome position, so please do not break these rules, because if you do, you'll be restricted from gaining Kage ever again.

GM Rules:

1. Do not Summon/Teleport kill a player. You will lose your powers.
2. Do not ban others if they piss you off, simply jail them. If they avoid that it will be a boot. And if they keep acting up, resort to a ban.
3. If you cannot devote your time on this game please notify us and we will find someone else to fill in your spot.
4. Do not summon NPC's.
5. Overall it's an awesome position, so please do not break these rules, because if you do, you'll be stripped of your powers and restricted from gaining GM ever again.

Current Kages

Snow Feudal Lord:
Grass Feudal Lord:
Waterfall Hero:
Akat Leader: