Ninja World

by RNK Productions
Ninja World
Welcome to the Ninja World! This is a Naruto PVP game. Come in and Prove that you are the strongest Ninja! Game is still being worked on have had a few codeing problems but everything is fine atm, Original awesome Map many new jutsus and clans on the way! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Oct 3 2008
Last updated: Jan 23 2010
Last played: Jan 23 2010
4 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Game constantly being worked on. Read HUB Rules and RP Rules.

Yuyui1 (Coder/Temp Host/Iconner/HUB)
King_corey7 (Mapper/Iconner/Coder/HUB)

1.No spamming in any Say
2.No posting other peoples games
3.No asking for any rank position or staff
4.When choosing name make sure it is RP not offensive
5.No being a bitch to anybody meaning no teasing or complaining
6.No bad mouthing the game you odnt like you dont play simple as that
7.No killing without a reason

