The Hunt

by Quiet Screams
The Hunt
A Supernatural RPG [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Mar 4 2012
Last updated: Nov 20 2014
4 fans

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This is an idea for a game I came up with after being sucked into the world of Supernatural. I thought it would be a great idea. Heres how it would work.

When you start out, you get to chose from a list of common beings. There will be a chance a rare will show up in that list. Anything from an Angel to a Fairy to a Vampire. You can be forced to change or chose to change into other things, ie going from a human to an Amazon. If two players breed, what ever is to be born may show up on someone else's being list.

All players will be given their powers at different levels and of course, the stronger you are, the better you are being what you are.

All beings will have their weaknesses as well. Vampires must find blood, humans must eat, etc.

All items will be added in order of relation to available beings. (i.e. demons and Rubys knife)
Some will be extremely rare while you will be able to bless water on your own once you know how.

There will be an in game currency how ever you may be trading favors. You are not required to use it.

Characters from the show will be NPCs and their names may not be used.

If you are interested in this game, send me a message. I am also looking for someone to make the icons and turfs.