The Elemental Stone

by Pyro_dragons
The Elemental Stone
An ancient power has been unsealed and mana fuels the world yet again. Can you control the mana and master the elements? [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.1 Alpha
Date added: Dec 20 2005
Last updated: May 16 2016
Last played: Jul 15 2013
610 fans

Waiting List

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-Pyro_dragons (Asch)
-Wolvenfury (Nez)
-Legato_frio (Frio)
-Chaoxys (Chaoxys)

After such a long time on the back burner, the game is finally back in production and currently in alpha stage developing. We'll be having some open alpha testing really soon!

The Elemental Stone is an MMO style RPG game filled to the brim with adventure, action, and fun. Want to hack and slash enemies to pieces? Or perhaps use magic to blow them away to kingdom come? Maybe you like to go out on quests and receive rewards for you actions? Or are looking for a game with a compelling story? You'll find all that and more (eventually) here, so come on in!

Have fun in the world of TES!


Talamrail: (May 23 2023, 9:53 am)
God, I love this game! I remember asch put npc Bubba in the game to torture players that went to jail lol
Spingel: (Sep 15 2019, 7:17 pm)
This was the game when I was a kid.I remember someone look like master sesshomaru.
Nate6004: (Mar 19 2017, 8:14 pm)
if you sent me the files i can host
Legato_frio: (Mar 4 2017, 9:52 am)
I have the 2008 version able to be hosted if anyone knows how to host games. I'm trying to work it out with my ISP to not block all the ports I would attempt to do this on.
Sputtermouth: (Feb 17 2017, 12:28 am)
R.I.P. is correct. Loved what you previously created pyro. Perhaps frio still could host an older version for shits and giggles? *poke* *poke*