One Piece game

by Pylar
Work in progress [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Aug 28 2009
Last updated: Aug 30 2009
Last played: Apr 26 2010
19 fans

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This is a game I'm planning to make, the only problem I'm having is the iconning. This is why I'm hiring good pixel artists to make this game as a crew.

I have the main gameplay figured out, the coding will be my department, what I need from the iconning department is:



*techniques (regular and devil fruit)


The making of the game will take months, the full code will be managed by me and noone else, this is not negotiable.

Anyone willing to help on this project may leave a message on the hub, with his/her plans for this game and his/her email.


Jake Francis89: (Jun 29 2012, 11:20 am)
Hello Pylar my name is Jake and I'm a good coder I create a Dragon Ball AF game if you need something tell me my key is Jake Francis89 bye. ;)
Connorriley7: (Aug 25 2011, 12:20 am)
Can I Help You With Game
Kushagra: (Jul 31 2011, 2:06 am)
:p Nice One..... But He wont give source to You and Me ........ :/
Yoshino21: (Jul 29 2011, 7:23 pm)
give me the source il do everything then send it back i need something to do
Kushagra: (Jan 15 2011, 2:19 am)
I'm a Pixel Artist i can hlp plz recruit me n mail me on : [email protected]