Battlefield BYOND

by Punisher12
Battlefield BYOND
The most autenthic version of the popular Java game Battlefield. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Alpha
Date added: Jun 1 2009
Last updated: Sep 11 2009
2 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Wage war against other BYOND users

Currently at a halt. No coders to continue moving forward. If you would like to code a game from scratch send me an email at [email protected]

Be sure to keep up to date.

Battlefield was once a very popular game on the site of The game was so popular that it moved away from its website and moved to a separate domain in which used to be Both and Battlefield died. We're here to bring this great experience and memories back to the veteran players who used to play, as well as new memories for newer players to move along as one of the greatest games in history.

Our goal is to bring you the most authentic experience. And maybe even make it better.

You can expect:
-Map Contests
-New Graphics
-New Sounds
-And much more!

Thanks for the support everyone and we hope to wage war with you real soon!


Agauos: (May 13 2011, 10:34 pm)
Agauos: (May 12 2011, 11:31 am)
A new and better version of this game IS being coded and published! The beta will release soon! The website for it is We need all of our old battlefield players back.
Drew1105: (Jan 25 2011, 11:30 am)
This game would be so worth it if it was coded and published. There has gotta be so many fans that used to play this old java game. I know I would be overjoyed to see this game up and running.
Rip Nation: (Jun 5 2009, 8:29 am)
Don't have Cyberlord as your programmer unless you want to be ripped or have a poorly programmed game.