Heroes Journey

by Project Zero
Heroes Journey
A world of Myths and Legends [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 11
Date added: Jun 20 2002
Last updated: Dec 11 2002
0 fans

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Welcome to world where heroes and heroines are born to either fight the evil forces or become one of them.

Inventory system is finally up! No items created yet though, But they'll come in on the next update ;) as long as i aint lazy >.>
Equipment system : 100%
Inventory system : 80%
Battle system : 70%
Shops : 0%

(Due to the huge amount of donators, i'm putting up only the 10 dime above donators :) But still thanks to all of you for donating)
Anarchy_Slayer 32 dimes
Ethereal Majesty 30 dimes
Shadowdarke 20 dimes
Godly Flames 15 dimes
Vortezz 12 dimes
Zaltron 11 dimes
Dareb 11 dimes
Hanns 10 dimes
Grin 10 dimes
NeoHaxor 10 dimes
Gunbuddy13 10 dimes