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Jaydia's Realm Icon Exchange 2 |
Icon Exchange/Build (Hire your very own shop keeper!)/Chat. Still growing... [More] |
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:
DreamDownload byond://PrayciousAnjel.JaydiasRealmIEx2##version=2 Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:byond://PrayciousAnjel.JaydiasRealmIEx2##version=2 |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Monday 01.16.06 Coming Soon (In Random Order) ------------------------------------ *Mining System *Admin Payroll System Player Money System *Shops - Icons, Weapons, Armory, etc *Bank System *Divorce Verb *Attack System *Tabs: Communication, Life Is Good! (When complete this tab should show: PC Guru, Thirst, Hunger, Clean, Cooking, How High, Mining) *No-Building Zone code - Mentioned briefly by Blakdragon77 but I haven't figured it out yet. *Save System - Currently added, but needs testing. *A code that stops build icons from piling up *A Toggle System for Build tabs - Or maybe I'll just put the icons into shops. Completed ------------------------------------ Build Tabs - Completed, but requires testing. Other Tabs - Status, Players, Actions, Customization AFK Icon MGM/GM/Host Codes Thank You, Praycious Anjel (Owner/Creater of JR) Click here for updates, live chit-chat, etc... Sunday 01.15.06 Success! ------------------------------------ Thanks to Dark Juggalo, the Owner of Eternal Icons, "Jaydia's Realm" can now be seen on the hub whenever it has a host. Now Hiring ------------------------------------ A good Admin... 1. Always behaves as though you are being watched by your mama, grandmama, papa, grandpa, God, etc. If you wouldn't do or say certain things in front of the one person you respect the most, don't do it on the server. 2. Earns the respect of the Players by being friendly, helpful, and most of all Available 3. Can blend in with everyone else as a regular player, allowing the Admin powers to be practically undetectable 4. Does not abuse Admin priviledge(s) 5. Does not abuse Players 6. Uses good judgement when handling issues. Depending on the situation, I usually allow a player a few chances before booting. If the player continues his/her ways, then the final result would be a ban. 7. Does not treat one person better than the other. 8. Keeps the server spam/blockage free 9. Does not allow excessive bad language 10. Contributes something helpful to the game every once in a while. [Backup Host] - I need someone who can host whenever I am unable to do so. More info coming soon. [Icon Artist] - I plan to upgrade the non-unique icons to those created only by me or my team of Icon Artists. I need Furniture, Walls, Windows, Floors, Appliances, Weapons, Shields, etc. Something special, never before seen by any other game. With that said, I am off to shop for a few things I'll need for an upcoming cruise. If you need me and I am not online, please post all contributions/comments/suggestions in the forum. If the forum is down, please post to my blog. I will be notified automatically of all posts via email. Thank You, Praycious Anjel (Owner/Creater of JR) Click here for updates, live chit-chat, etc... Monday 10.24.05 Completed ------------------------------------ Build Tabs - Completed, but requires testing. Other Tabs - Status, Players, Actions, Customization Incomplete ------------------------------------ AFK Icon MGM/GM/Host Codes No-Building Zone code - Mentioned briefly by Blakdragon77 but I haven't figured it out yet. Attack System Save System Ideas I'm Pondering, But Haven't Developed ------------------------------------ -Name: History Of Players or Log of The Realmians -Realmians: Citizens of Jaydia's Realm) -Brief Description: Guestbook. -Explanation: I'm hoping that, when bumped, player's key is autographed, time of autograph noted, and the entry is saved. So that when it is clicked on, people can read the History of players who have logged in. I'm sure that I neglected to add something, but for now this is a good start of where the development of this game is. For now, I am off to bed. It is now 3:21 AM and I have to get up for work at 7:30 AM! If I am not online, please post all contributions/comments/suggestions in the forum. I will be notified automatically of all posts via email. Thank You, Praycious Anjel (Owner/Creater of JR) Sunday 10.23.05 Jaydia's Realm IEx - A New Beginning ------------------------------------ This game is under construction. Please stay tuned for updates. Thank You, Praycious Anjel (Owner/Creater of JR) Click here for updates, live chit-chat, etc... |
PrayciousAnjel: (Jul 2 2012, 10:04 am)
Thank you Mattdawgak for hosting today.
BloodyFist: (Jul 18 2011, 6:26 am)
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