ill be ur mapper and a coder. im pro at both, and if u dont want me to code- then u dont want me to map.
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. If you are new to BYOND, please go here, and download the game. After that, create yourself a key and join one of the online servers!
This game used to be known as Digimon Wild by Comusio. I held a forum contest and the winning choice is Digimon Sagas. From now on this game is known as Digimon Sagas and not Digimon Wld. Thank you to all Byond members that have put this game in the ranking by adding it in their favorites. Hopefully more will enjoy this game and put it in their favorites too. *wink wink* Note to all: This is not one of your become the strongest in one day games, play for a while and have fun. Whats the point of beating a game in one day? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Dragon-Wars for letting me have a copy and take over. Thank you Recon Dye for all the icons you have provided for the game. Thank you Lord Dx for the great forum and helping out with images in the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES 1. Do not ask for GM. 2. Do not constantly attack digimon stronger than you, they attack other players aswell when you die. 3. No spawn killing players many levels below. 4. Do not beg, it gets very annoying. 5. If you find any bugs, please report them. 6. Do not spam. (This includes no caps) 7. Do not attempt to rip icons from the game. 8. Do not 'bait' digimon so they attack other people. 9. Do not third party macro train (use macros with something other than your finger), or you will be booted. 10. Do not show/lead/tell/discuss the locations of the crests. 11. Do not abuse bugs. 12. Do not fight over worldsay chat. If you want to fight, do it in regualar say. 13. No excessive swearing. 14. No sexual talk, do that somewhere else. 15. No finding ways around rules. If a staff memeber feels that you have broken any of these rules, you WILL be punished. STAFF RULES 1) First, the obvious one, do NOT abuse your Powers. They WILL be taken away from you if you abuse them. No exceptions. 2) Respect each other, and the normal players. You aren't any better than them, you just have more responsibilities. 3) Don't ban somebody for dissing you or because you don't like them. As much as you want to do something to them, you can't. BUT...if they continue to insult you and spam it, you may mute/boot them, and if its bad enough you can ban. 4) Do NOT give special treatment to a friend of yours, thats not why you were given your verbs. 5) Keep in contact with me, it's really annoying when you disappear for a long time and I can't get ahold of you. You don't even have to tell me directly, just have someone who can get ahold of me know where you have gone. 6) If I have forgotten to post another rule, or you think a way round one, just know that rule 6 is here to stop you from doing that. sso Wee Need A Good Mapper |
![]() Please support BYOND through Membership or a donation!
Best_Ever126: (May 28 2011, 6:35 pm)
Playyerr: (Dec 8 2009, 1:39 am)
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