Looking for an original iconner for a new original naruto based game!
New beginning, new owners, lots of new updates... We want to give this game a fresh start..
Due to the fact we're in Beta/Testing stage now, any help/idea's are welcome, please don't come online to troll, but have fun in an awesome Naruto based environment...
All source credit goes to the original creators.
Current Staff
Owner: Fen Hawk(Playa_216)
Owner: Hazard(Mesalina62)
Admin: Alastorlasu(Alastorlasu)

1.) Do not spam.
2.) Do not cuss.
3.) Respect the game, and its players.
4.) Do not ask for Game Moderator.
5.) Report any bugs/glitches you find.
6.) If you have an idea or complaint, don't spam it ask a GM or Owner for a conversation.

1.) There is an in game pop up window, All updates are posted there frequently.