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Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. - If you find any bugs, remember to use "Report a Bug" under the Other tab so that we can fix it. - If you have any suggestions, use "Submit a Suggestion" under the Other tab. We check them daily, so that's the best way to be heard. Your input DOES matter to us. Alternatively, you can also post bugs/suggestions on the forums. 1) Do not AFK Train or EZ. [AFK Training is the act of training stats (other than Meditating) while not at the computer -yourself- (no excuses). EZing is using a third-party program to do the same.] Punishment: Your character will be wiped and you will be banned for 1 week. If you're caught on a regular basis, expect to be permanently banned. 2) Do not spam the game -- whether it be on OOC, Village Say, Say, etc. Punishment: Depending on the severity you will either be Muted or Banned. 3) If an Admin is helping a player or hosting an event, do not interrupt them [by attacking them or otherwise.] Punishment: If it's just once, then you will be warned. Accidents happen. If it's twice, booted. More than twice, banned. 4) Do not spawn kill. [Spawn killing can be defined by killing someone repeatedly as soon as they respawn in their village.] Punishment: First offense - Boot. Second offense - Ban. (Unless the spawn killing is caused by a bug) 5) Do not post explicitly mature links, pictures, or the like. [This includes but is not limited to pornography and/or hentai, shock images, et cetera.] Punishment: Mute. 6) EXCESSIVE racism is discouraged. While a joke here and there is okay, keep it to a minimum, please. Punishment: Mute. 7) Mute or ban avoidance will be met with a more severe punishment. [Avoiding can be simply logging out [for mutes] or bypassing it prior to your mute/ban being completed. This includes but is not limited to speaking/using another character after one has been punished-- even if the second character was already in game.] If there is an issue and you feel you were unjustly muted or banned, take it to the forums. Punishment: For mute avoiding, you will be banned. For ban avoiding, you will be permanently banned. 8) Do not REPEATEDLY use caps. Punishment: Mute. 9) Death avoiding discourages activity and is thus forbidden. [Death avoiding is logging out when you are close to death/being attacked and chased.] Punishment: First offense - Warning. Second offense - Temporary Ban. 10) Do not train in the Spawn Box. Punishment: First offense - Warning. Second offense - Ban. 11) Kindly do not ask GMs for Jounin/Chuunin exams. [They will eventually be hosted.] Punishment: Mute (at the discretion of the GM being asked). 12) Do not ask for players to be unbanned/unmuted. THEY need to make a forum topic themselves. Punishment: Mute. 13) Do not spam chidori/rasengan/raikiri. [This means that you may not use the moves multiple times. The same goes for any move that you bypass the cooldown for.] Punishment: First offense - Warning. Second offense - Boot. Third offense - Ban. 14) Do not trade/give out village/organization-only equipment or items to other players. Punishment: All items will be deleted and you will be either kicked from the Org or banned, depending on severity. 15) Do not block paths in or out of buildings or structures. [This especially pertains to using permanent kawarimi's or bunshins.] Punishment: First offense - Warning. Second offense - Boot. Third - Ban. 16) Do not go into the Void [the black area around the maps.] Ever. Period. Punishment: Ban. 17) We ask that, due to this game being in English, you speak English and only English on OOC. Other languages end up looking like spam to people who don't know said languages. Punishment: Once or twice is fine. Continuous = Mute. 18) Do not bug abuse. This includes, but is not limited to: item duplication, meditating while mountain climbing, bypassing cooldown times for jutsus/using means to get out of freezes or slowdowns illegitimately, and so forth. If you even THINK it may be a bug, report it to a GM and avoid using it. Punishment: First offense - Warning. Second offense - Ban. 2) Do not use your status to threaten players or staff members. 3) Handing out special treatment, of any form, is not allowed. [This includes but is not limited to summoning players to area in which they do not belong, creating items for friends, et cetera.] 4) Do your job: Answer questions, help players in game/on the forums, link to important topics for new players, et cetera. Keep yourself occupied rather than sitting and doing nothing. If you do nothing, what's the point of you being GM? 5) Follow the same rules you enforce. You are not exempt from player rules just because you are in a position of power. Pinoyz(Pinoyz), Katsus(Katu25) -Programmers- Pinoyz -Admins- -Moderators- -Lead Enforcers- -Enforcers- -Pixel Artists- Pinoyz -Hosting Provider-
Please Don't Rip. It discourages ORIGINAL Game Owners. All names, characters, and any other original work is owned and copyrighted by Pinoyz. All original code and art within this game that is not owned by Pinoyz is strictly forbidden to be used. ©Naruto Will of fire 2008-2009. All Rights reserved. |
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