These users are fans of Naruto BlindSpot Of Souls.

Kast617, Narutodude57, Vecheetio, Gokuwarior213, Strycker13, Kartano Hakuya, Sonido12, Major10, Dark soul 53, Kebiru, Bleak4611, InsanelyOp, Disfail, Diogo2200, Lil Bop, Zokujrs, Kfox12, Sora Nagashi, Kikaichu, Brianrules254, XxDarkxX, Goku the chosen one, Jakjak246, Izanarchy, Jaqueso3, Kilmer_jacob, Klbicon34, Saito3, DarkKamui99, Fraynellv3, Sauske1234as, Golden Azucio, 0207kid, Yoshirama, Killop, Edo Itachi, Qmoney, DARKJUSTIN, Finland69, Vampire Blade, Narugoichikudou, Gustavoamaral, Alone-boy97, Game Master Ryuu, Chris171, Nightmare990, Murilofbr2, Goku87, Millan_akatsuki, 73ullet9, 1fannac, IchigoKurosaki128, 8zokram8, Kylecat1, Jacobfrench2003, Keshawn303, Dladd12, Kidd515, PSPDRAGON123, LILJEFF, Danezu12, Goku292, KevinNara, Netosoar3s, Eazy07, FireShark1993, Kamou, Fregmaster1995, Inutsuna, HimuraBattosai91, Runney001, Cldub, Isaac_alimoore, Dlj3, DarrianDB, STRK, Shikyokuroi, Prowler x500, Ddooggyy, CyborgTrooper, Luis455, Axe murderer x, Ishani937, Blazinfox, LittleBamBam, Truzami, Tsarna, Mjme40, Kaguya-b, Ambu321, Dark Ichigo 1, EspadaMadara, Visser Three, OXuchihaXO, Fayte16, Arodys14, XxDark_Saiyan320Xx, Pwnerthree, Brogoku, Chaorace, Morgandawkins, Cantol, Dark Prince Of Awsomeness12, Pokeball master, Xoopvpooxx, Blade56776, Dragoinicu, Jdog21, Gellenduoz, Dante09, Sharingans, NitroBST, Keese765, Fire-Uzumaki, Vaizard_mask, NICOUZUMAKI, Roki-Sama, M-dude414, Shino298050, Uchiha147, Ranger12, Nikorayu, BleachNinja, Dracomancer12, Uske, Liorolial, XXXichigoXXX323, Superdudeduded, Legoseba21, Ciego, Tomiwa, QUSHARD, Terry998, Yonek1223, Fredlive, Jokerxxace, Alpha999888, Shammahg, Cara365, Heatsammy, Ultamentrainer, EyeLight, PhantomRageX, XxDante1xX, Sasuke4225, Kyuubi Nine Tailed Demon Fox, Gatesking, Pof, Lil_c123, Jeff 55, Mapledjude, Jitt9009, B-mut