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Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. After months of learning more and more about byond coding i eventully decided to make another server. This time instead of using HAH's source i will be using TWC Source. So credits go to TWC and its creators.
So anyway, Right now its under construction still being built and all with new maps new icons ect ect. So in a month or two this will be different to the orginal source in so many ways you won't reconize it as TWC's source. As before i work alone. So if anyone does wish to help me with this project add me on my msn address or email me at [email protected], You must first proove that you can code icon or map alittle. The minimum requirement im looking for is atleast 4th class grade. Which is average, Reason why im accepting people that are not to great at it. Is because they can learn just as we all did. And trust me its way better to have the new ones cause there alot less cocky and they listen alot more and aren't so damn arogant. This server will be updated every 2-4 weeks with new updates for the first 6 months. Then after the 6 month period i will be releasing new updates every 4-8 weeks. Reason for this is so we can get mass of stuff done for you so it more of a suprise and theres aload more for you to do. It may seem like a long wait for the new updates but it'll be worth it. Also there may be chances to get a quick look at the new stuff on a sub server that may be hosted for a short ammount of time. Please remember the beta server will not have your character data on from the main server. Thank you for playing our game. If you wish to help me code icon map or be a professor on this game please contact me at [email protected] Either by email or instant messenger [Would prefer instant messenger as i rarely check my email.] [Tags; harry hogwarts auror battle deatheater death eater potter voldemort albus hagrid noob lol bored shit ] |
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