
by OneFishDown
Play as one of six different character types and try to live long and prosper in this popular multiplayer city. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 31
Date added: Jul 31 2002
Last updated: Dec 22 2004
Last played: Jan 2 2021
106 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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This game is meant to be played multiplayer. Yes, you can play it solo, but it is most fun when played as multiplayer.

GTAonline graphics copyright 2002-2004 Rob Miller


Joshuaxz: (May 23 2012, 7:08 am)
I know right? This is a great game and I wish I could see it be hosted again.
Ss4gogeta0: (Dec 29 2011, 6:18 am)
I really miss this game... nothing brought me as much joy as listening to Grabbag while shooting people... This is the game where I met a whole slew of great people...