Alchemist Classic

by Oasiscircle
Alchemist Classic
Combine elements and create chain reactions to thwart your foes! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Oasiscircle.Alchemist##version=16

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.1
Date added: May 9 2012
Last updated: Feb 9 2014
Last played: Nov 24 2024
172 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

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This Game is Completed!
If you find any bugs, report them immediately!

| Oasiscircle | Eksadus |

Version 1.1
  • Fixed a bug with the Queue.
  • Revised garbage-block scoring method. No longer exponential, it is now multiplicative.
  • Further testing of the scoring is needed to adjust power-play and the divisor to the appropriate values for more strategies to flourish.

Version 1.0
  • Game Released!

Recent Medals

Sapphire 3

Earned by Trusty_McCoolGuy
Apr 30 2022, 7:53 pm

Ruby 1

Earned by Trusty_McCoolGuy
Apr 30 2022, 7:53 pm


Tyren6: (Aug 11 2023, 11:34 am)
I mean Byond in general is not like it once was, everyone grew up lol
Greezy: (Oct 23 2017, 9:11 pm)
Why's this game dead?
Doniu: (Nov 1 2015, 5:20 am)
Hello, I host this game 24/7.
Fan Doniu Host:

And me here:

Also, this is hub for Doniu Host: (in alpha test, still not even read, but in future it will lunch)

If you got any questions, want something from me - PM :-}
*If somone would like to adversite my hosting - feel free to do it.
** Owner of this game/program, you have done a good job.
Oasiscircle: (Dec 9 2013, 11:50 am)

This is how garbage dropping will work!!! :)
Oasiscircle: (Nov 30 2013, 11:35 am)
I'm writing up a quick list of possible "Abilities" that you could use during the game. I was thinking that you can choose one/two abilities per game and then use them based on how much "Fever" juices you have stored up. Fever juice is received from making combos.

I also was playing around with the idea of special types of blocks, but I'd love to hear some suggestions. Maybe large 2x2 blocks/refugees that drop under certain circumstances?