
by Noimo
A roleplaying game set in a Galaxy unlike our own in a time of ignorant galactic peace. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Alpha v0.0.1
Date added: Aug 8 2015
Last updated: Aug 11 2015
Last played: Aug 27 2015
39 fans

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Anthology is a roleplaying game set in a Galaxy much like our own, however in this Galaxy an ignorant time of false-peace and an illusion of prosperity is coming to a crashing halt.

Lead Programmer - Stephen
Lead Artist - Ashton
Pixel Art - Jordan

Commissioned Works: A2J2TIWARI, HEBRONS
Special Thanks: ZANE444

Want to hone your skills with the warriors? Shoot a PM to Stephen on the


Gaw534: (Oct 14 2017, 12:15 pm)
Bring Anthology Back!
HaxRp: (Sep 1 2015, 8:57 am)
Good luck Noimo .
Mazen30: (Aug 31 2015, 4:00 pm)
host it already
Manezinho: (Aug 13 2015, 6:30 am)
So excited for the new anthology. Good Luck Noimo and Friends :)
Avidanimefan: (Aug 12 2015, 12:30 am)
Post more updates.