Pokemon: The Adventures Of Tigerbolt

by Never die alone
Pokemon: The Adventures Of Tigerbolt
Join in on the exciting adventure that awaits you and discover a pokemon game like no other on byond! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.1
Date added: Nov 20 2010
Last updated: Feb 11 2012
Last played: Feb 21 2012
34 fans

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Pokemon: The Adventures Of Tigerbolt

Join in on the exciting adventure that awaits you and discover a pokemon game like no other on byond!

Story: In this epic adventure, you become a pokemon and travel through out the world of pokemon to explore and see what many adventures await you. This game is original and unlike any you have ever played on byond. You must first venture through a personality quiz to creating your destiny. As you become conscious, you are still just a egg beginning to hatch and sometimes on rare occasions, it is said that legendaries are born.

Once you hatch, you will wake up in a pokemon nursery where the lovely couple, Kangaskon and Chancey have been watching over you. You will find awaiting adventures on the other side including: learning new things as you take your first step outside, many missions, marriage, creating or joining guides, houses, chatting with friends, exploring, leveling up, having fun and so much more!!

For the official trailer please visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRg1tvutSX0

Many Adventures
Original Plot
Personality Quiz
Many Pokemon you can become
equipable items
Male or Female
Marriage system
Wild Pokemon
Many skills
New areas to explore
Making Friends
and more!

Owners: Never die alone and Jenniator


1. Don't Spam
2. Don't Block
3. Don't Ask for Gm powers
4. Don't curse
5. Everyone is equal
6. No in game advertising
7. Respect the authority
8. No illegal content
9. Don't keep recreating
10. Don't be a jerk
11. Have Fun !!

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Keyven: (Apr 21 2011, 3:51 pm)
Hey ''Never'' =D It Timarve2. You Remember me? I was a GM On Your last POkemon's Game =P i see You Will make a new game and I wanna know If you Need a Iconers I can do many Icon ^^ Tell Me if you need Help Bye

Sorry for my crappy English ^^''