Thanks for the comments. The basic design was just a simple survival game, I just wanted to have a little mini-game out for halloween. However, we didn't make it in time for that, and we decided to clean things up a bit and add a few other things, so it ends up looking better than it should. We'll probably add some more stuff, give the game a bit more substance.
This game feels really smooth and plays nicely. While it declares it's self as a round-type game, it feels empty of competition. Sure, you've got 4 different types of "bullets", and you have to make sure you don't run out of ammo, and the trick or treaters are chasing you all along, but that feels like a basic zombie game.
Don't get me wrong, this being a basic zombie game would work out really well if you added some more maps, weapons, and small features. I dunno, that's my opinion anyways.