Naruto: Return of the Shinobi Wars
Coming to a byond near you. We are 100% Original in our Icons and Coding. This progress of this game has just begun. Everything being done from scratch. Please remember to check out our forums and watch for our updates.
Ranking Policy
We do not wish to give players an unfair advantage. Obtaining our rank should be because of our game play not our benefits. Only rank us if you believe we deserve the rank. Thank you very much.
Our Staff:
Naruto1210 - Owner
Sasuke120 - Owner
Manchan - Co Owner
Uzumaki Fan - Co Owner
Galeblade_1 - Coder/Sprites
D9k9 - GFX artist/Sprites
Rentu - Mapper
Uchiha Brendan - Iconner
Boyhengeveld - Forum maker
Goldengohan - Turf Iconner
Moridin t'Alucard Taidaishar - Host
Game Masters:
Slayer61 - Admin
Jokerjkr - Admin
Pandetech - Admin
Towel Roll - GM
Imoneyg45X - GM
Aunt Jemima - GM
Gt701 - Enforcer
DarkLordKoji - Enforcer
Flameshady - Enforcer
In Association with: