The Adventures of Perspolis

by Nave
Adventure across the Persian Empire, and protect the capitol city from Invaders, in this great RPG. Good Luck! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: May 30 2003
Last updated: Jun 24 2003
0 fans

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Story -

Persia is being invaded by Greeks lead by ALexander the Great! Perspolis will be distroyed unless a great warrior comes in time. Arabs from the south are also attacking, it is up to you to help King Darius protect, and save the empire! So keep those barbarians out too! Good Luck!

The RPG sucks right now but it will get A LOT better.

News for June 10th - RPG coming along great! Going smoother than I thought. I will probably finish the first version very early.

News for June 1rst - RPG still under construction! It should be ready for testing in August.

- Following
- One Shopkeeper
- A castle
- day and night cycles
- weather
- a few monsters
- great icons
- Icon Changing(Custom!)
- Party System
- Guild System
- Shields
- Armor
- Weapons