Dragon Ball Z: AfterMath

by Narutokakaka
Dragon Ball Z: AfterMath
Live.Train.Be Powerful.Be The Best.Be DragonBall Z [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.0
Date added: May 9 2007
Last updated: Nov 10 2007
0 fans

Waiting List

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This is V1.0 we hope to get support from the byond fans to expand more!

Looking for the Following:
1.Looking for 5 Gms(Like Enforcers)
2.Looking for a 24/7 Host
3.Looking for another Iconner(Good in DBZ)

Future Piccolo-(Owner,Mapper)
Blaze(Gm-3,Host maybe)
Gm-3(1 Spot Open)
Gm-2(1 Spot Open)
Gm-1(3 Spots Open)


1.No Spawn killing
2.No Disrespecting other players
3.No Disrespecting GMs or Admins
4.No Spamming OOC and Etc.
5.No HBTC killing (result in boot)
6.No hinding in SZ(Safe Zone) with the dragonballs
7.No swearing(Mute for 150 seconds)
1.Follow Player Rules
2.No summon kill(Demotion)
3.You are a GM to help and if failure to do so you will not be a GM
4.No Extreme Edits or Big Edits(Wipe of Character and a Demotion)

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