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Pokemon Chrome |
A fun adventure, Yo [More] |
Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. IMPORTANT UPDATE:
----------------- 1/14/11 Note: IM BACK!Been a long time since i came back. I wonder why...Anyway, I need to get a new pokemon file which could take a long time...And sadly i need to wipe out all the owner D:. Now I'm only having 3 owners.Not 12 anymore. Idk where's everyone (hoster,iconner,etc). 7/14/09 Note: The New Files have been junk out because it doesnt work, sorry guys, i need extra time to do this again. AppleJack? Update working on NPCs Mapping Icon ........And More to add! ImPortant Annoucement ~BEST GAME??!!7-10-09.Oh well, i havent host or work for this game.(I got lazy) Im tired of People asking to host Pokemon Chrome, {I always know if it MaterKidSora}i decided to stop hosting and remap the work :D. Umm...so...yea? New owner is now requires. and yea...Im back on working Pokemon Chrome! ~New Owner?!:6-19-09 Sorry for not hosting. I lost the document of Pokemon. But dont worry, I remade a new one and it renew. Im now hiring a owner.(It'a list here)(I will rip their head's off Just kidding #1(Perm)Main Owner:Narutofoxy123 #2(Perm)Co-Owner: #3Co-Owner: (- ~-~ We gonna think of the PREVIOUS Owner soon discussion-)(- Sorry to people that lose owner but it will be restore but only Non- Abuse -) ~FillitUp!:6-10-09 a new pokemon fun game ~a download files not download!~ http://pokeglobal.org/index.php or to see more fun games:http://onlinepokemongames.blogspot.com/search/label/ Pokemon%20World%20Online http://pokeglobal.org/index.php : Username:NarueonByond Charater:NarueonByond ~UpdateMap:6-5/09 Having fun with Rip Map? Btw, Diehard63 and i are gonna make Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Map and we'll leave Rip Map behind, so people can still play while we making. It might be finish about 3-5 month o_O because we still need turfs. After that map finish, we will make Diemand/Pearl in Febuary/1/10. Before i move in to other house June-August-09, I will give someone source and sent me the source again. ![]() ~~~~Update~~~~ New Pokemon Team: PokeMew(Ledgenary):10 Pikamew Scatter in Lengenary Zone PokeMew(Wild): All over the place Pokemon Icons Day: Shiny Duskull(any): Sky Shaymin(Female): Glinger(Male): Sharpedo(Male): PikaMew(Female): PikaMew(Male): PikaMew(Male): Ask owner first.And more to come soon! ATTENTION:The game have been remake! And free Admin! People will be Pwipe in July 19. (It's a fast leveling!!!) Hub Designer/Colorful: Hub Designer/Colorful: (Owner Req to be helpful and be on 2 days >.>) Real Owner:Jiyuu22(we'll kick that for awhile) Coder:Narutofoxy123 Back up coder:Open,Open Iconner:Narueon,D3m0nAc3 Head Hoster:GothicVampy Hoster:Narutofoxy123 Back up host: ____________________________________ Rules: Do not use caps in OOC (Mute for 5 minutes) No cursing (First Time: warning Second Time: Ban) No asking for legendaries (Boot) No blocking door ways (Boot) Don't ask for GM or Admin (Mute) Dont kill wild pokemon (Jail) No AFK Training (First Time: Account Deletion Second Time: IP ban and Third Time: Ban forever) No random killing of other people's pokemon(Boot->jail->IpBan) NEVER USE AUTO CLICKER (Boot->ban 10 minute) ______________________________________________ Admin/GM Rules No booting/muting/banning/changing of name/blinding/freezing/etc. without a good reason (this only means breaking the rules and Demoted) No Making your other charater admin(Demoted and Ip ban) __________________________________________ Gymleader Rules Do not give yourself a badge (Demote) Only use Announcement to say if u open or close your gym. (boot) Don't Catch Legends in GM Cave. (Demote) Do not go in team bases (Boot and no gym powers for 10 minutes) _________________________________________ Leader Rules You may only make 1 Lut. ::...:: Gym Leaders ::...:: Fire: Water: Grass: GothicVampy Thunder: Poison: Rainbow: Rock: Flying: Dark: Ice: Ghost: Dragon: Reqs: lvl 5k, 4 of the gym type(Fast Leveling!) __________________________ ::...:: Elite 4 ::...:: Fighting: Ice: Psychic: Dragon: Reqs: lvl 10k of the Elite four(Fast leveling) 5 pokemon __________________________________ ::...:: Battle Frontier ::...:: Knowledge: Luck: Tactics: Bravery: Spirits: Ability: Guts: Reqs are on type of choice and have to be lvl 20k(Fast leveling!!) __________________________ ________ (admin Req is helpful nice and on at least 3 days) (Perm)Admin: Admin: Admin: _________ (Must be helpful->Bonus If very helpful will rank up and be on 5 days!!) Gm1: Gm1: Gm2: Gm2: Gm3: ___________________ ::...:: Team Leaders ::...:: Magma: Aqua: Rocket: Ranger: Hunter: Galactic: Level 20k and cap 30k ________________________ (Down here is new but we'll add this verb when the game is ready to play) Admin Jobs Working(Must be on at least 2 days) Helper Manager: Helper Manager: Event Manager: Event Manager: _________________________ Gm2 Jobs Working(Must be at least 2 days to be on)(Help?Capture people that you see like breaking rules and catching ledgenary that player catching and boot them) Gaurdion: Gaurdion: Gaurdion: _________________________ Ranking Jobs/Gm3(Be on Everyday)(Help?Example if people need ice rank them but tell there level first) Ranker: Ranker: _________________________ Summoner/Gm1(Help people to get out in trap if needed) Summoner: Summoner: ______________________________ Reminder:*Ask me if your not in this hub!!This is very important!!!* _______________________________ Reward for this week is?!(This only available for Player/Trainer 1Name&Reward:Lavibi 2Name&Reward:WolfBlade_61 3Name&Reward:HelloKitty32 4Name&Reward:Blake785 5Name&Reward:AllonOpo2 (Up here,You should remind me to get you a prize..!! More Rules...etc. and more Hub -------------Need things---------- I need Turf draw I got about 100 pokemon from D3m0nAc3 I need hoster :( please comment I need Catch code(Hard) Make large map and indoor and outdoor code -------------Coming soon---------- Summoner,Helper,Event,Gaurdion and Ranker is going to be code in as soon i learn half of Code and verbs :) -------------Event----------- 4/9/09-4/12/09: Get 2 free Ledgenary! |
Narutofoxy123: (Feb 1 2011, 7:26 pm)
I'm working on it. Plus, imma lower all GMs max, and fire all the admins. This game is starting new and fresh.
Narutofoxy123: (Jun 9 2009, 6:54 am)
Mapping..Mapping..Mapping later
Narutofoxy123: (Jun 8 2009, 6:50 am)
Dark0rock: (May 18 2009, 5:20 pm)
ill be host ^.^
Dark0rock: (May 18 2009, 5:20 pm)
ill be host ^.^
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