Bleach Ashiaresu

by Narutix13
THIS IS A RP GAME ok people, anyways... just play and have fun! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2
Date added: Nov 10 2007
Last updated: Jan 30 2008
Last played: Jan 31 2008
0 fans

Waiting List

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Owner: Narutix13
Maper: Need one
Coder: Narutix13 , also looking for one
Hoster: Looking for one, for now me, narutix13
GFX: soon to be raisuke (if hes ever online -_-) but i need one

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here are the Zanpaktos you can choose from, when becoming a shinigami
Close Combat+Brute Strength= Zaraki

Close Combat+Intellagince = Kisuke

Close Combat+Pure Sword Power
= Ikkaku

Close Combat+Power through Speed
= Ichigo

Close Combat+Kill/Freeze
= Hitsugaya

Long range+Extending Sword
= Ichimaru

Long range+Reiatsu Blasts

Commanding+Series of Weapon Strikes
= Renji

Commanding+Using Small Blades

Commanding+earing your enemy to shreds
= Byakuya

Effects+Screwing your enemys with skills
= Mayuri

Effects+Stopping the Enemy
= Kira

Effects+Absorbing Power
= Yumichika

Effects+Freezing your Opponent For an Long Time
= Rukia

(thanks Zailizar for the zanpaktos thingy =p)

1. open
2. open
3. open
4. open
5. open
6. open
7. open
8. open
9. open
10. open
11. open
12. open
13. open
Vaizard Leader: Open
Vaizard Co-Leader: open

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Arrancar leader:

Here are the ROLE PLAYING RULES =p:
1. Orginal or some show names, but no.. no ichigo kurosaki's!
2. Act like your character, don't go kill other shimigamis, or teammates, or other people wihtout a reason
3. Shimigamis, go around and kill some hollows, from time to time XD
4. Arrancarr, don't go on your own, or do anything stupid
5.NO HOMO boys like girls and girls like guys k!
6. Repect people higher rank then you
7. have rp fun!

GM rules:
1. if you edit, don't edit your self that badly powerful
2. don't ban the owner, or i will hunt you down and kick your ass
3. here how it goes, invailed name
please tell them to change it or a gm will change it.
4. boot, then jail, lastly ban

:Any leader or Captain , a meeting with the owner, and 650 lv
: Any other spot, captain or leader chooses you, req level is 320!