Pokemon MMORPG

by Naptowndre
Pokemon MMORPG
One of the best RPG's [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Sep 6 2008
Last updated: Jan 27 2012
Last played: Sep 12 2008
70 fans

Waiting List

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Update! We are still alive! I have been very busy on the years and never actually had time to sit down and code and icon.

But I will start again! This project is not over :)


Naptowndre: (Jan 27 2012, 12:28 am)
Hey what's sup? Wow, been so long since I been communicating on Byond lol. Do you still want to make a game?
DragonX74: (Feb 18 2011, 6:27 pm)
Hello, me again. After a couple of years, I finally got the hang of iconning, if you need help. I will be glad to icon your game for you.