Naruto Awakening

by Mystic Death
Naruto Awakening
My First Naruto game i Need a co owner or owner for it cause i don know a lot bout Naruto and Gms too who have experienced Naruto And know a lot bout It [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Dec 24 2007
Last updated: Dec 25 2007
Last played: Jan 5 2008
5 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Owner = Hamza
Owner = Saifullah

A lot of Spaces For gms


1. Don't Ask for GM. Apply on Forums and maybe you can get GM.

2. Don't Flood/Spam.

3. No Disrespecting GMs Or Other Players.

4. No Killing around Yamcha.

5. No Racial Comments.

6. No Asking for Editing.

7. No rapid killing. This means killing 3 people
in less than 1 minute.

8. Please only use English in OOC, I don't care if you use it in whisper or say as long as i am not near you.

9.Don't Filter Avoid.By putting **** etc...

10.Don't Death Avoid. By logging out then back in.

*****************11. Have Fun!*******************

Rankers boosts

1st place = 1000lv 2000tps (apply in forums and do show as a prove. get lv 1 admin)

2nd place = 800lv 1600tps

3rd place = 600lv 1200tps

4th place = 400lv 800tps

5th place = 300lv 600tps