Sonic Time Warped

by Mygames19
Sonic Time Warped
A Sonic Game based on Jamie Baily's Time Attacked. This sonic Game will feature 10 Zones to play with a interactive storyline. Demo is now fully funchunal with 2 1/3 Zones to play threw. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Mygames19.SonicTimeWarped##version=2

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Version 1.1
Date added: Aug 12 2006
Last updated: Jan 24 2008
21 fans

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Version 1.1 is here!:

Download Minnor: TimeWarpedDemo.exe
(Recommended download)

New Features:
you can now fall to your death. :D
The boss will be harder to get stuck in.
The title screen has been made to use a keybored. currentlly it will use a "quick exit" feature.
Added some credit. There were afew things I forget to add to the credits, so I did that now.
Music bug fixed; the music that played during the cutscene was supost to be Zone 3's song, not the credits.


Sonic Time Attacked is a Sonic The Hedgehog game based off of Jamie Baily's Sonic Time Attacked, released about 5 years ago.

This game offers 360 looping, grinding and much more. Sonic will run across 10 Zones. Sandy Beach, Emerald Caves,Icicle Bay,Mountin Madness,FellFelt Forest,Underwater Thrills,Toy Town,Devels Valcano, Technotronic Terror,and Egg Base. (only 3 in demo!)

Story:In Eggmans last attempt sonic was able to destroy Eggmans base and the time machine with it, Eggman was forced to leave his base and go to another location again. 6 months have passed and nothing has occurred but this soon changes...
Sonic is sleeping on a roof near the beach, all the sudden Eggman come out of nowhere and destroys the house, sonic quickly jumps and runs off. meanwhile 12 years earlier sonic and tails are talking and out of the blue Eggman pops out of thin air again. Then tries to kill him by shooting bullets at him by his flying machine. The younger sonic and tails doge but almost get shot. They stumble onto the beach, meanwhile in the present Sonic gets trapped in a machine that was planted by Eggman, he soon starts fading away and returns to the same spot 12 years earlier. Now he must find out why eggman did this, were he is, and how to get back!

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Last Note(s):
there are 2 Zones, 3 acts each and 1 act for Zone 3 at the moment. the engene is complete, and you can download it above. if the download above doesint work, you can download this one:
Please note that this version has no music, and that its 1.0, not 1.1.

Thanks, ;)