Rise Of Heroes Regenerated

by Mundi
Rise Of Heroes Regenerated
Work Started on a Major update, look inside for details of the comming additions [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 3
Date added: Jul 14 2005
Last updated: Jan 4 2006
Last played: Feb 16 2006
9 fans

Waiting List

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All old areas will be revised

Class balancing for both Player v Environment and Player v Player

At least 3 more towns bringing the total to 9
Over 40 new weapons, helms, leggings, armor and shields

New magical effects for high level items increasing the variety and total possible items

New non elemental spells which there are no resistance (eg Ultima)

Buffs that increase armor, evade, attack speed, cast speed, strength, intelligence

Debuffs to cast on enemies reducing movement speed, attack speed, damage delt, max HP, max MP

Up to 6 new areas

Up to 20 new mobs to kill

Recent addidtions:-
HUD is now in
Class balancing (needs to be tested)

Remapping has started :-
new T1 cave

Please note :-
There was a slim chance of a player wipe but that now seems unlikely

I am planing on getting a big team of coders and iconers and mappers to creat a team we need people to join if you can please e-mail me and put the subject as "Team" i need at least a team of 8 or more so start e-mailing me lol


Beyondthunderdome: (Jan 31 2018, 7:40 am)
Would love to play this again if anyone can host, very fun game
TidusDU: (Jun 18 2013, 9:22 pm)
Wheres this at Mundi?