Bleach: Shattered Eternal

by Moonpower
Bleach: Shattered Eternal
Welcome to Bleach: Shattered Eternal! Please Read The Description Below. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Nov 25 2011
Last updated: Dec 15 2011
Last played: Sep 8 2012
12 fans

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Owner/Hoster: Moonpower

GM,GM: Open,Open

Enforcers: Open,Open

Special thanks to sers000 for helping me make the Vaizard Class and Vaizard mask code

Made Inner Hollow and Shinji/Visored Quest
(You have to be atleast lvl 125 and higher to get Visored you have to talk to Shinji and then he'll give you a quest to defeat your Inner hollow after you defeat your inner hollow you can use visored mask/hollow powers you also can't tell where Shinji is or you will be muted,booted, and finally your save get wiped)


Skyking99: (Mar 3 2012, 1:31 am)
wtf man why is it taking so long to be up?