Game is back! NEW UPDATES!
Owner#1: Michael(Monti)
Owner#2: James (Bb157)
Admin1 #1: Meiga
Admin1 #2: Magica
Admin2: Jim(Kurma)
GM2: Peyton
GM2 #2:
GM1: Angel
GM1: Blake
RPM2: Magica
Great Charmed Games!
(Off of Syncs hub just completing it) ((Hope you don't mind Sync))
Charmed (Jayhawk/Hawkbane): Started 24 December 2004
The first ever Charmed game to hit Byond was made by the creator of Charmed, Jayhawk. Although he was originally known as Hawkbane. The game has been online for 2 or 3 years untill it was finally ended, life got to busy for the creator Jay. This game had 3 stages.
Charmed Online (Xoule): Started 02 March 2006
The second Charmed game to hit byond, just like the first, it was an original game and proved to be a great succes and loved by many players. This game has several official and un-official sequals.
Charmed: Role Play (SyncWolf): Started around summer 2006
This was the first sequal to Jayhawks Charmed game, created out of the Source code of the first stage of Charmed, this code is still around on byond somewhere. Although the game never lived up to the original, it took a different turn by adding in ranks and player owned houses. It also introduced roleplaying into the game. It was later continued under a new name and hub by a new large update.
Charmed: Rebirth of Magic (SyncWolf): Started in the spring of 2006.
Rebirth was the official sequal to Jayhawks Charmed and Charmed Role Play, bringing the teacher system to life, based upon the system in Jay's Charmed stage 3. Rebirth has been around ever since, having it's ups and downs like most games, although maybe a bit to extreme at some points. Somewhere in 2007 a version got leaked out and is now base for many Charmed games for inexperienced coders.
Charmed: the New Destiny Awakens (Souhyb32): Was first put up on Oct 4. 2007. This is a rip of Syncwolf's game that Sync gave to him. This is a game that has soo many updates it's unbelievable. Friendly Owners and friendly staff. Unbelievable update on NEW YEARS!! COME PLAY!!!
Charmed: The New Generation (Monti): A Game updated by me and Rip of Syncs but Sync approves it. New Races, Seven New maps. Amazng staff and soo many more updates.
Charmed Return of Magic (Mel Jones): THANK GOODNESS!!! The game we have all been waiting for has arrived! THE NON-RIP Charmed game. Great Map, Wonderful Powers, Cool Races! OMG!!! WEE!!
Lots of rank's available lot's of races more updates to come so just come on in train hard and have fun.
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i disagree i say pass 100/10