Zombie Apocalypse Simulator

by Milo87
Zombie Apocalypse Simulator
A simple sim in which you command a group of survivors trying to get by in an undead infested world. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Milo87.ZAS##version=8

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Version 2.4 alpha
Date added: Aug 6 2008
Last updated: Feb 1 2009
Last played: Aug 13 2008
397 fans
Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse Simulator (v2.4a)

Note: This game is single-player only.

My intention with ZAS was to make as simple a game as possible, but still retain the all-important "fun factor".

In-game, you control the leader of a group of survivors in a safehouse slap bang in the middle of the infestation. You dictate what activities each survivor will do each day, before hitting the "Run Day" button and seeing what the night-time will bring...

Survivors can gather materials, weapons and even other survivors from outside, build up barricades or prepare to defend the safehouse that night.

Change Log:

UPDATE 08/08/08: Added food, feeding and starvation. Now survivors can find items of food when gathering, and idle survivors will eat food if they're hungry. This needs to be tested and balanced before I upload it.
UPDATE 11/08/08: Revamped the job allocation system.
Added specific scouting goals so survivors can look for survivors, food, materials, weapons or do a general scout for everything.
Added keystroke macros to increase workflow.
Added more in-depth battle descriptions. Survivors now use available weapons to add to their individual damage. Balancing and testing to follow; new version should be up in the next couple of days.
UPDATE 13/08/08: Made a couple of minor changes to how survivor deaths are worked out. Survivors also do more damage. Also added a bunch more shortcuts thanks to some good advice on the forums :)
UPDATE 15/08/08: Added a new skin to make the UI slightly more attractive.
Also now double clicking brings up the Scout menu instead of it being included in the left-click cyclic menu.
Fixed a small bug left over from testing where survivors started off hungry.
UPDATE 28/08/08: By request, added a persistent status window as opposed to a tab, although there is a macro that switches between the two.
Survivors now have a random skin colour when they join your group.
Slightly more balancing in effect now.
Added music! Including a checkbox to turn it on/off.

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Nelly22: (Jun 22 2021, 9:33 am)
Thanks for this!
Plahunter101: (Dec 3 2012, 8:04 am)
milo, i love this game. Is there ever a chance for co-op or four player gameplay? I think it would be interesting if you would start out with one each or two each and you would need to coordinate and work together with a chat bar or voice chat. I could exsplain it better but i am still processing it in my mind, and would you mind if i reccorded this for my channel? theplahunter?