Universal Seas

by Micdogmic
Universal Seas
A large, unique universe, where war rages between pirates and marines. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.24
Date added: May 11 2013
Last updated: Mar 18 2015
Last played: Mar 18 2015
142 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Universal Seas

Fight as a pirate or a marine, defending your territory, and trying to conquer the world. Join other crews, be a lone pirate, or rank up as a marine. The choice is yours.

Universal Seas Rules

  • Do not spam the game.
  • Do not beg for stats, boosts, and or items.
  • Do not kill at spawn points.
  • If you are caught bug abusing and do not let a GM know you will be banned no warning.
  • Respect every player and admin. Do not pretend to be someone you aren't.
  • Do not avoid any punishment given to you.

Universal Seas Team

  • Programmer/Owner: Nero
  • Pixel Artist: Position Available
  • GFX Artist: Position Available
  • Credits to past Owner: Micdogmic
  • Credits to past Pixel Artist: M.M
  • Credits to past GFX Artist: Galactic Soldier
  • Credits to: Cubanling
  • Soundtrack Creator: S.M

And a great thanks to all the people helping us test and make the game what it is currently.


WSHGC: (May 28 2015, 11:55 pm)
Is Edit Nero still working on this? Or anyone for that matter.
Micdogmic: (Jun 2 2014, 1:34 pm)
Avatar Eddy: (May 19 2014, 12:02 pm)
Think you could make a forum? Preferably zeta forums. =P
Micdogmic: (Apr 27 2014, 1:32 pm)
We're in early beta currently, so I don't know if I could restore stats. I will give you exp scrolls at the most. Sorry. Early beta means a lot of wipes.
Jamiecoog: (Apr 27 2014, 12:38 pm)
Is there any way that you could retrieve my save data? I got to like level 260 had the silver sword (might've had the bamboo sword too, not sure if I gave it to somebody or not.) So yeah. Anyway to get me even just my DF back? It was lightning.