
by Metamorphman
This program takes your game's DMB and RSC files, and turns them into a completely standalone .exe file. A user who runs these exe files will not need BYOND to be installed in order to play! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Metamorphman.dmb2exe##version=700

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 7
Date added: Sep 3 2009
Last updated: Jul 24 2011
4 fans

dmb2exe is obsolete

For new instructions on how to make an exe for your game, look at this post.

Using this program, you can either create a standalone executable or installer for your BYOND project, with a minimal amount of work on your part.

System Requirements:
- BYOND Build 454 or higher.

Version 7 - October 6th 2009:
- Added the option to add desktop shortcuts for game.bat and Other Files.
- Fixed a bug regarding settings.sav

Version 6.32 - October 2nd 2009:
- Forgot to include source files in the last update.

Version 6.31 - October 1st 2009:
- Fixed a bug which broke dmb2exe, regarding game.bat being placed in the wrong directory.

Version 6.3 - October 1st 2009:
- Fixed a few debug-related problems.

Version 6.2 - September 30th 2009:
- Fixed a bug regarding game.bat and temp directories

Version 6 - September 30th, 2009:
- Added the function to include other files along-side the game's core files and place them in the start menu directory of the game.
- Added an automatic creator for game.bat
- Updated HUB with system requirements.

Version 5.5 - September 30th, 2009:
- Added the option to toggle supplying an icon for your .exe on and off.
- Added the option to specify the default installation directory for installers.
- Fixed game.bat, so now when it runs a game the cmd window disappears after that without hangin' around.
- The default BYOND Bin and NSIS Installation directory are set to C:\Program Files\BYOND\bin an C:\Program Files\NSIS respectively.

Version 5 - September 28th, 2009:
- Added a 'Make Installer' option to dmb2exe. Users can know create simple, standalone installers for their games.

Version 4.1 - September 23rd, 2009:
- Fixed a bug with the compression On/Off Toggler

Version 4 - September 23rd, 2009:
- Remade interface
- Added a Compression On/Off Toggler
- Made the setup process much easier.

Version 3 - September 22nd, 2009:
- Fixed a notorious shell() problem which messed up the program as a whole.

Version 2 - September 5th, 2009:
- Added an auto BYOND Bin copier. All the user has to do now is specify the byond bin directory and dmb2exe will handle the rest.
- Fixed a few bugs.