Freeze Bomb

by Megablaze
Freeze a bunch of penguins who run around before the time is up. [More]

Top Players

Name Highscore Round Time
#1 Megablaze 50,263 75 15:36
#2 Guest-639111494 11,138 39 5:16
#3 Resonence 5,084 24 3:13
#4 Kisioj 4,786 24 4:0
#5 Zaoshi 3,256 20 1:59
#6 dalmatian 2,826 19 2:15
#7 Deadpool666 2,814 18 1:44
#8 Gensho 2,631 20 3:6
#9 IMD 2,443 18 2:12
#10 Righteous Shadow 2,421 15 1:6
#11 Scripter 2,411 17 2:5
#12 StarKid29 2,392 16 1:29
#13 Zaltron 2,367 16 1:46
#14 EmpirezTeam 2,364 17 1:52
#15 shadecyberplatinum 2,331 17 2:7
#16 Rockiex111 2,285 17 2:19
#17 Guest-1932210275 2,247 16 1:41
#18 Jotdaniel 2,237 16 1:37
#19 Kidpaddle45 2,200 16 1:48
#20 Gokussj99 2,013 14 1:11
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Medals Earned

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