Candy Kingdom

by Megablaze
Defeat the opposing candy kingdom by destroying their castle! [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Megablaze.CandyKingdom##version=2

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Version 0.1
Date added: Sep 30 2015
Last updated: Oct 1 2015
Last played: Oct 15 2015
0 fans

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Join either the Gumballs or the CandyCorns and fight in an all out war. Destroy your enemy's castle while building up yours to the skies. With everything made of candy, you could even build up your castle with the candies of your fallen enemy. Choose from 3 different classes, each with unique toolsets to succeed:
Melee class uses a Sword and slashes with a wide arc. Although a Melee character must get up close and personal, they're fast and strong, and can do the most damage to castles.
A key role for a balanced team, gatherers can pick up candy from fallen foes, or they can steal candy from foes and enemy castles. With those stored up candies, they can fortify their own castle, or use the candies as projectiles.
Ranged class uses a Slingshot and can fight off foes from a distance. They, however, cannot do damage to the enemy base, and therefor are used to fend off the enemy.

WASD (OR) Arrow Keys: Move Character
Mouse Click: Attack
Shift Key: Run

Music: Kevin MacLeod