
by Mechanos7
A turn-based multi-player strategy war game [More]
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Version 5.5
Date added: Nov 30 2009
Last updated: Jan 15 2011
Last played: Jun 22 2012
6 fans

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Riverside is a turn based multi-player war game, in which you must use strategy and your army of 15 units to defeat your enemy's army. Your army includes Mages, Knights, Archers, A scout or ninja, Ents or rock beasts, and a Dragoon, which all have different stats and so new strategies arise.

Help file in-game, please check it out before joining a round!


-Monday May 17th 2010-

Huge update; so much it jumped almost two versions, check out the changelog to see all of the huge updates that V.5.5 has in store!


V5.5(Monday May 17th 2010)-

- Two new units added - Ents/rock golems, and scouts/ninjas, both team specific
- SCORES! Theres now a ranking!
- Help file entirely reworked with an awesome new table for units.
- All stats reworked, but still quite similar
- Interface remade and cleaned up
- Map made two tiles taller
- All unit icons edited, all of them are holding their weapons now, and blue dragoons have dragon frills.
- Active player cursor recoloured slightly
- Unit swap removed
- All known bugs fixed
- When you have no useable units but have actions left, the game will end your turn for you.
- Some code reworks to make the game better
- Login message added

Sounds, icons, code, map and interface all owned and made by Mechanos7.
Thanks to Mechana2412 for coding help with V5.5.


Mechanos7: (May 17 2010, 12:10 pm)
V5.5 finished!
Should have next to no bugs, and should work very well! Took a while to get done with all the changes
Mechanos7: (Feb 12 2010, 8:40 pm)
Sorry about the lack of updates!
I've been busy with other projects, including a small Doctor who RTS, which I've been working out the attack system and map for.
Also, I can't work on games during the weekend so yeah.
Shadow Void: (Dec 5 2009, 2:10 pm)
It's fun, relaxing, but can easily get extremely tense!
