Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Ok~ Now then, I would first like to say thank you for reading the HUB of this soon to be great game, also I would like to take this time to say that Yes, this is a RIP, this was made using the Bleach, Souls of Choas Source, and I wont go around claiming that this game was made from nothing, or anything like that,
However, I am Going to be Recoding this game, and Replacing Icons, with our (Kalak's) Icons, so if I do say that the Icons are mine/ours/Kalak's, then it would be True ;P More Info! I would like to tell anyone and everyone reading this, that this game, wont be like the other Rips out there, None of that fast training, Test taking for a Sword...Adding in stuff that isnt from the Anime/Manga. Guess I should start telling you guys what I've been working on so here it goes, hopefully it wont leave a Message with me saying come to my game, because its "Amount of times the other games have said they are better then a game they havnt even played yet" x better then every other game ;P --------------------------------------------- Staff Isashu - GFX Kitty - Idea's Kalak - Iconner Treak - Iconner Matt - Coder --------------------------------------------- WARNING - This game uses sound files, so if the download seems a bit long, please wait! if you want to skip the wait you may turn the sound files off via BYOND Pager, however, you will miss some of the Great part of the game |
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X-saber300: (Oct 5 2013, 12:45 pm)
Best bleach game i ever played . i would love to see it back up sometime.
Economic Sucide: (Aug 21 2012, 7:25 am)
Bring this game back!
Mdmstatu: (Oct 17 2011, 6:00 am)
This game should me hosted 24/7.Alot of people would play. Find a host man.
Goku87: (Jan 25 2011, 6:11 am)
wen's coming out?
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