These users are fans of Shinobi Online Adventure.

2landman, Andrew41297, Goku2oo7, Kushmar, Sora REVENGE, Ichigoo0, Niekro31, ChosenRequiem, ANIMATEDWOLF, Saltman0918, Killingisbad, Quay400, EightGatesXavier, Shirike, Rald123, Travylleb, Kalytzaaa, LordSmokeSeshomaru, Fallen Heaven, Tuisku, Luciom, Inferno Empire, Ooctavioo, Iconn2, Sukasuki, UpdatedPrivacyPolicy, X-Suicide-X, Pdog11, Tundra19, Logitech95, Klopes litle bro, Hokage2000, Jakb2k7, Draxgoku, Blue7x, Xanallday4, IAmAtomic, Yassrab, Inferan, Bustercannon, Czoaf, AiiRMaN, Sasukeuchiha500, HatakeY, GoldCat, Slummy, BIG30, GDN_Sosa, Mav472, OfficialKenji, Desi56, Dorag7585, Tekitah, Ulkiorra2021, Hykes, HoneyandSugar, RexKing1, Lil Bamz, Gatts21, Wolf_Taco15, Keishi da Jounin, Zoom Speed, Sebby Fox, UltraFighter, Teisharo, LifeisGameinc, Pequenno, Braian005, K5fang, Dennis00, Grundone1, DrakeDog666, 2Spirale, LegendaryxGaming, Super 21, Lyntonx2, Leronx2, Apolloxxx, RutekPL, Zarashi, Supreme Troll, Ezequiel09, Godbrand, JasonFayth, Keffny01, Juggernaut123, Eternitywolf, Copnm, Walkman35, Shadow_wodahS, Xorbah, Zuzuki, Khyon7, Cba2BeCreative, Game Master Ryuu, Zihawk93, Troyat, Vhsariel, Troubleman20, SoulBoy22, Garcia123456, Stark999, MasterRyuu123, Ren42, Almighty Keaton, Brando1000, Ranki_Dama, Disturbance2, Antumalal, Lightlingkid, Darkrain1, SakoUchiha, Shlime, Ju Scared, Legoseba21, Jucheok, Cutskyopen, Naruto 5292, SummitIV, Ter13, Cosmicstillborn, Tankyboy, Orikaelum, Traylor, RedMatch, Codi852, ColdFlame43, Sirsan4, Eat My Tarts, Zyle4u, You-mad-bro14, Flam3mast3r, RudyBruisin, Dadmanz, WickaYukie, Orewa, Kenryuto1, DorkusPrime, Dbzfade, Shunai.0810, Meks, NejiX LoL, Hozukishu, DaveionAT, DarkWolf360, Isayrous, FancyShoes, AcnoZ, Mabwipfmzcz, MisterTom, Astro Da Don, Greenlightz, Gui_dragon, Ryuushiro, Akais, Brenno456, Youngmoney04, Blackstarlove19, Yoshino-san, Critus10, Ninitoniazo, Gabriel001, Betaboy, Luxur, Tummy, T3RR311, Thehellblazer, Brightmare, L33trollz, Pintoso123, Neji11, Lollobini, Joeyjst, Amaniflores89, Hermit Of The 6 Paths, Fatchefington, Horkos, Gui_dragon1, Prince, Marcus6424, 5ratsuperhalo, WereDemonium3, Pyronick16, ItoxBladeReborn, Rickoshay, Samurayx, Ryuzaki852, .5Dozens, Masterdan, Vgetacoku