Pyrce High

by MasterBraska
Pyrce High
A school, a murder and a killer, can you survive the round? [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://MasterBraska.PyrceHigh##version=63

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 2.5.9
Date added: Dec 5 2011
Last updated: Mar 16 2020
Last played: Aug 10 2023
1689 fans

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Updated version for testing. Download it here instead

The game is being updated, only the official server will show up for right now~
Pyrce high was put together pretty quickly, it has some sloppy coding inside of it and some bugs but I am going to recode a lot of stuff and fix all the bugs at the same time.
I've missed this game and working on it as well so let's all revive Pyrce High!

Pryce High is a horror role-playing game based off of the BYOND game "Mitadake High" created by DevourerOfSouls. This game is role-playing mandatory!

This version has many game modes to choose from so the role playing should never get bored.


Naixo: (Jun 20 2024, 12:02 pm)
Unfortunately, inputting an name (for characters) doesn't work... or maybe I'm just dumb? Been a while since I've played this, so I don't remember all that much.
Dbar910: (Dec 31 2023, 8:03 pm)
Thespacephantom: (Feb 8 2021, 9:16 pm)
Hello! I noticed the link to the filebin testing version is down. Is this game still active or able to be played? I loved playing it way back when!
MasterBraska: (Mar 24 2020, 12:46 pm)
I've updated the game and I'd like for people who still care for old school RP games to try it out and let me know their inputs for future updates. The current version may have a few slight bugs but it should work as intended
Ss4gogeta0: (Apr 7 2018, 3:34 pm)
Joaovictor1 wrote:
MasterBraska wrote:
Pyrce High has gone open source for anyone to modify or create their own game, I hope you all can use this and make awesome modes or whatever you want.

Any 1 got this link again? i love this game and want to revive it =\

Well, I have a discord set up for Mitadake & Pyrce High and I host this game every now and then.