Shonen Jump Battlers - Season 1

by Mana Production
Shonen Jump Battlers - Season 1
A fighting game based off Heroes of Shonen Jump by Team Mana - Who will be the best battler? [More]

Top Players

Name Level RP PP Battles Win Rate (%) Title Team Main Character
#1 Ryudo 66 2,692 14,554 526 93.73% The Dark Dragon Team Urameshi Hiei (Rank:B+)
#2 Asura 40 1,686 3,739 358 35.75% The Shaman King Hokuto Brothers Yoh (Rank:C)
#3 Crow 62 1,305 6,312 292 94.86% Young Afro Ryu (Rank:D+)
#4 Shuyin 56 762 4,374 351 62.68% LeMillion Team Urameshi Yusuke (Rank:C+)
#5 Mirio Togata 56 762 4,259 331 63.14% LeMillion Team Urameshi Yusuke (Rank:C)
#6 Joe Hakai 38 612 1,471 150 39.33% Novice Team Urameshi Vegeta (Rank:E)
#7 Gaius Maximus 15 497 481 198 17.68% Breath of Autumn Vegeta (Rank:D)
#8 Aeri 59 422 1,085 149 29.53% The Murderface Team Urameshi Goku (Rank:D)
#9 DachKinderson 37 404 731 84 39.29% Lightning Fist Hokuto Brothers Goku (Rank:E)
#10 Astral 9 186 290 146 15.75% The God of Pirates Za Hayai Kenshin (Rank:E)
#11 Ej 7 44 147 44 25% Black Eagle Kenshin (Rank:E+)
#12 Kagami 6 22 30 9 11.11% Novice Zoro (Rank:E)
#13 Razor 1 0 0 1 0% Novice Kenshin (Rank:E)
#14 Sessho 1 0 0 0 0% Novice Naruto (Rank:E)
#15 Shinsoa 1 0 0 1 0% Novice Killua (Rank:E)
#16 Adam Blade 13 0 0 7 0% Deliquent of Shonen Team Urameshi Kenshin (Rank:E)
#17 Slime King 1 0 0 0 0% Novice Goku (Rank:E)
#18 Son Eric 1 0 0 0 0% Novice Ichigo (Rank:E)
#19 SOup 1 0 0 0 0% Novice Luffy (Rank:E)
#20 Aizen-De-Lupen 1 0 0 0 0% Novice Ichigo (Rank:E)
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Medals Earned

Medal Player Date
Jul 22 2023, 8:33 pm
Apr 20 2020, 8:32 pm
Jan 3 2020, 9:36 pm
Feb 27 2019, 3:42 pm
Jul 22 2023, 8:24 pm
Apr 20 2020, 8:32 pm
Jan 3 2020, 9:36 pm
Feb 27 2019, 3:34 pm
Jul 22 2023, 8:13 pm
Jul 22 2023, 8:10 pm
Sep 12 2021, 2:59 am
Mar 2 2021, 12:36 pm
Jan 4 2020, 6:41 am
Jan 3 2020, 9:49 pm
May 23 2019, 5:36 pm
Mar 1 2019, 8:05 pm
Mar 1 2019, 8:04 pm
Feb 7 2019, 5:06 pm
Mar 1 2019, 7:20 pm
Mar 1 2019, 7:20 pm
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Medals Available

Welcome, New Battler!

Join the fray of battle in SJB for the first time!

My First Victory!

Fight in a Player Match and Win for the first time!

I'll will be known!

Fight in a Ranking Match and Win for the first time!

Training will make me stronger!

Enter Training Lab for the first time

Our Fists Will Do The Talking

Fought over 10 Player Matches

I'll get experience!

Fought over 15 Ranking Matches

One Step Closer!

Rank Up to higher ranks in Ranking Matches

We Will Settle This Another Time

Win a match by a Time Out in Ranking Matches

A Battler's Experience Never Stop

Fought your way to reach level 10 as a Battler

Friendly Rivalry

Play 15 Free-For-All Matches in a Brawl Party (8 Party Members)

Experiencing The Battler's Life

Attain over 25,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

Known By Many

Bought a Character for the first time!

Ultra Special Finish!

Finish your opponent with a Koma Special!

Super Finish!

Finish your opponent with a high combo of 25+

Koma Finish!

Finish your opponent with a Koma Attack

An opening, You are finish!

Surprise your opponent by countering their upcoming attacks!

I'll never let my guard down!

Block any upcoming attacks from an opponent!

My Own Team

Create your own guild or Join one for the first time!

So Close, Yet So Far!

Have ranked up to C Rank in Ranking Matches

Character Specialist!

Have a character who've reached C Rank from any matches!

Personal Party of Hype!

Play 50 Free-For-All Matches in a Brawl Party (8 Party Members)

A Battler Never Give Up!

Fought your way to reach level 30 as a Battler

Survival, The Sole Option

Survive more than 60 waves in Zombie Arcade. (Hard Difficulty Only)

Long Way Ahead!

Attain over 100,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

Mr.Titles / Mrs.Titles

Own over 30 titles {Season 2 Trophy}

The Willpower of a Battler!

Won over 20 consecutives battles!

Confident Battler

Win a battle with a win rate equal or below 30%

Amazing Comeback!

Defeat your opponent with less than 10% Health in Ranking Matches

SJB Champion

Join a SJB Tournament and Become its Champion

A Battler Is Destined To Fight And Create Bonds

Fought your way to reach level 75 as a Battler

Hero of SJB

Survive more than 120 waves in Zombie Arcade. (Shonen Difficulty Only)

It's All About Perseverance!

Attain over 500,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

The King of All Battlers

Win a KoB Official Tournament {Season 2 Trophy}

So Much Titles To Handle!

Own over 100 titles {Season 2 Trophy}

The Philosopher of Battling

Attain over 1,000,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

The Adventure May End, The Journey Doesn't!

Fought your way to reach level 200 as a Battler {Season 2 Trophy}

Zombie Apocalyspe God Survivor

Survive all 200 waves in Zombie Arcade. (The Lee Bros. Difficulty Only)