
by Lugia319
Expansion of a strategic zero-sum game! [More]
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Version 2.2.1
Date added: May 3 2013
Last updated: May 9 2013
Last played: Dec 19 2022
6 fans

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You are a lord of a castle, but it seems that one of your vassals has decided to build an army and rebel! You two have managed a stand-off where each of you control the other side of 3 bridges. Send troops across the bridge, and destroy the traitor!

In Castle, you send troops across 3 bridges to infiltrate the enemy's side. You can only send 3 troops a turn, and each turn is a minute. To send troops, click the buttons on the side of the floors. At the end of the turn, your troops will battle theirs.

When soldiers clash, they will generally destroy each other. Sometimes one will survive, this is not a glitch, it's planned that way to have a chance aspect to it.

At this time, only the player can cast spells. As such, I've added a platoon available for the computer to use to compensate for the lack of spells.

Without the probability aspect, this was a project I did for my Linear Programming class. If you do the math, the best strategy was to send troops in 2 and 1. With the probability aspect, 1 soldier can take out 2 units, so sending 3 to a floor with 2 might end up with an unexpected bonus. ^_^

Please post any bugs/suggestions in the forums. Try to be as descriptive as possible!

Recent Medals

Coup d'etat

Earned by Lugia319
May 7 2013, 4:20 pm

Long Live the King

Earned by Lugia319
May 7 2013, 4:14 pm


Brettpenzer: (May 8 2013, 11:39 pm)
Seems like a great concept.