Naruto: Dawn Of The Shinobi
The Game is currently under reconstruction for 3.0
- Owner - Demon AKA Louisthe10
- Co Owner - Heyblinx
- Pixel Artist - Mastergamekiller || White Zetsu ||Open||Open
- Programmers - Demon, AKA Louisthe10 || Pheris
- Host - Demon
- Back Up Host - None
- Graphic Artist - Demon AKA Louisthe10
Staff List:
Demon (Head Coder)
Pheris (Code)
Songi (Admin)
Odin Aka Mastergamekiller
for his major contributions to izou via icons under the ura renege generation we thank him greatly for his art skills.
Staff: Game Mod Open:
Staff: Game Mod Open:
Staff: Game Mod Open:
Staff: Game Mod Open:
Staff: Game Admin: Songi
Staff: Game Admin: Open
Staff: Game Admin: Open
Staff: Game Master: 1-3 needed, only selected by demon.
- NO SPAMMING / FLOODING, You will be muted
- No verbally harassing other players or admins. You shall be muted.
- DO NOT EVER ask for admin or you will be muted.
- Do not kill in SPAWN points. First Offense is a warning. The second offense is being Jailed. On the third offense YOU WILL BE BANNED for 12 hours.
- Do not beg for your statistics to be boosted. YOU WILL BE MUTED.
- Find a bug? Post it on our forums.
If you are caught bug abusing YOU WILL BE BANNED.
- If you impersonate an admin YOU WILL BE BANNED.
- No AFK-Training. This includes using EZ MACROS or any third party program to help you while you are not at the keyboard. If you are caught, you will be banned on-sight.
- No Relogging to avoid dying. The first time you are caught its a warning. The second time and beyond it's a 15 to 20 min in jail.
- No Jail / Mute / Ban Avoiding, If you avoid any of these its an instant 24 hour ban (Minimum) / Perm Ban (MAX).
- No rolling up on system admin, or owner, always ask a lower leveled GM first. (Possible Mute)
-Staff Rules-
- Respect other Staff members
- Don't get carried away with your verbs
- Don't abuse your verbs in any way.
- Don't boot/ban players because you don't like them or your in a bad mood
- Treat players the way you wish to be treated
- Dont abuse announce
- Obey those higher rank than you
- Do not jail players for no reason
- I`d also like to note that admin can not use edit because they don`t have it, only the owner and co owner does, because they are the only ones who will not edit there stats.
-Game Progress-
More Info Coming Soon!
So far me (Demon) has been working on updates for awhile, finally I`m back in my groove working hard to release the update 3.0. Along with the help of Pheris.
XzDog- A thanks for releasing Naruto Izou allowing us to grow from what were humble beginnings to where we are now.
Recent Medals

Earned by Jaqueso4 Apr 26 2018, 1:44 pm

Mangekyou Sharingan
Earned by Louisthe10 Feb 26 2018, 11:22 am