
by Lilkondey
its fun and new [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2
Date added: Jul 29 2007
Last updated: Jul 30 2007
Last played: Jul 31 2007
0 fans

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<style>.bg_content{background-image: url( dark-green-0016.jpg);}.bg_content{background-repeat:repeat;} body {background-image: url( dark-green-0016.jpg);} </style>Get Glitter Picturesowner:-Lilkondey

co-owner: Uchiha-Ogi




Co-owners(Can do anything, just don't abuse):Nova(I think he may become owner for all his help)

Admins(Get co-owner power but can't use without owner or co-owners permission)

Head GM:Get enforcer and admin powers)

GMs(Get admin only)

Enfocers(Get enforcer only)

Rules (For EVERYONE)
1.NO EZ macros
2.No multikeying
3.No swearing
4.No gay insults
5. No racis/Sexis jokes, insults, or remarks
6. Dont beg for genin exam its auto retard
7.Chunin exams aren't auto but held evry 3 hours. porn links, or language.
9. No advertising
10. Obeye the rules, first time you breake, is a mute, jail, or boot
2nd time is a boot 3 times in a row (Gets annoying to the other person)
3rd Key bann for 1 day
4rth Key bann forever
5th if you come back with a new ket and breake the rules you get Pwiped, key banend, Ipbanned, muted, jailed, booted, and tracked down for hunters to kill you!!!! (No really)

GM Rules
1. No abusing
2. No threatining to kill or bann people
3. No multiclanning
4. No EZing/ ,ultikeying
5. Dont eat popcorn and be lazy, actually moderate to make sure everything is good!

Ranking us (All get infinite money who rank)
best(1): Max boost, jounin, and go to star, akat, SO, or create own orginazation
2nd best (2) Jounin, Health and chakra boost
3rd best (3): chunin, 3 items free. Infinite money

Kage rules!
3 sanin only
20 anbu
1 anbu captain
1 sage
1 kage assistant
No giving ranks without req. or close to req.

Auto ranks, level
Akat member-4000
SO member- 5000
Akat leader-7000
So leader-8000

<style>.bg_content{background-image: url( dark-green-0016.jpg);}.bg_content{background-repeat:repeat;} body {background-image: url( dark-green-0016.jpg);} </style>Get Glitter Pictures