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BleachUltimatum |
the new growning game on byond [More] |
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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Bleach blue 4ever RulesQ & A ( more will be posted) Q.Do Humans get any moves? A. No (unless we do mod souls) Q.Will there be MOD race A. Maybe its up to our coders Q.Will we put in new shikais and bankais and new moves A.Up to coders Q.Are we looking for more staff memembers A.Ya we are but mostly coders and iconners Q.Will we do more games other than just 1 BSD A.I hope we will (tagz) but its up to staff I want to(kasume) Rules 1. No cursing over the OOC 2. No fighting over the OOC 3. No insulting the Gms etc. 4. No Sz killing (means safe zone killing newbs) 5. No asking for Gm apply in fourms 6. Don`t advertise anything unless a gm or owner can say that u can. But NO Porn or mature links that are not suitable for kids. 7. No spamming & i mean no SPAMMING 8. No abusing bugs 9. Afk training is allowed btw(not really a rule just saying so don`t ask) 10. No asking for captain or leader if u don`t have the reqs Punshiments 1.mute 2.jail 3.boot 4.ban (key) 5.Ipban Also hub update daily Ranking 1. Owner training , captain or leader if spot is open and boost 2. Boost Gm Tranining or captain or leader spot 3. Small Boost and Gm training NO PWIPES!!!! GARANTIED |
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