This is a game of skill, namely the ability to dodge by keeping pace with an endless army of overwhelmingly acidic rain droplets toppling from the sky. Dodge by swaying to the left or right to avoid being hit. Although there is a vast amount of possible settings, entry into the score board is accepted only when the player completes a game on default settings. The more rain drops successfully dodged, the higher the score will become. Try to beat your friends, your enemies or your own score to be ranked among the top players!
Ranks (Rank / High score Required):
Recruit / 0
Private / 100
Corporal / 500
Sergeant / 1000
Lieutenant / 1500
Captain / 2000
Major / 3000
Colonel / 4000
General Grade 1 / 6000
General Grade 2 / 8000
General Grade 3 / 10000
General Grade 4 / 12000
* On a quick and stable machine, Dream Seeker, by itself, is typically best for solo runs. It is highly recommended that this game be hosted in Dream Daemon since it is more compatible with the latest "hack-proof" system. A Dream Seeker host is more liable to slow down the game, which, when playing on default settings, is recognized as a form of hacking. In the case that hacking is detected, the game ends forcefully. In addition, a solid connection to the Internet should be established so that the server can send high scores to the hub.
Recent Medals

Rain Catcher Bronze
Earned by AmberJones13 Apr 23 2012, 12:10 am

Rain Catcher Bronze
Earned by Zeyzal Apr 22 2012, 11:14 pm