
by Lendgens
The old begin wars, but it is the young who fight, die, and win them. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Lendgens.War##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 3 Alpha
Date added: Feb 20 2009
Last updated: Feb 28 2009
Last played: Sep 30 2014
21 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

Waiting List

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(Picture from version 2.6a)

We declare war! (Can be played with an AI opponent)

A strategy RTS influenced by Warfare 1917. (Playable Demo Version)

We are also in testing stages, so if you find a bug or something tell me, and I might give you a cookie.

[%]<-Fixed, [+]<-Added, [#]<-Changed
Update 2/27/09 (Patch)
[%]Fixed trenches acting up
[%]Fixed AI not advancing from trenches
[%]Fixed an issue involving a player to be player 1 and player 2
[%]Fixed an issue where the game wouldn't end sometimes
[%]Fixed an issue involving mortars and damage
[+]Added new backend work to the frame of the game
[+]Added more sound effects and changed a few sound effects
[+]Made game more stable
[+]Added BYOND Member features (more coming soon)
[#]Changed/tweaked a few things to help balance out units/support units/etc.

Update 2/23/09 (Patch, so nothing new doesn't work yet really if you see it)
[%]Fixed only runtime error found when starting the game involving playing against an AI
[%]Fixed Unit dropping list
[%]Fixed Units overlapping Unit dropping list
[+]Added Morale bars on Interface, will make them work later
[+]Added Machine Gun (MG) unit
[+]Added new backdrop
[+]Added Start Menu window
[+]Added trenches(Gives +15 Defense when troops are inside them)
[+]Added 'Advance' button on HUD, it advances troops (rush) over the battlefield if they are in a trench
[+]Added new sound effects/music
[#]Changed Morale from 200 to 100
[#]Changed wait time for troops from 20 to 10 seconds
[#]Changed Interface to give more open-space
[#]Got rid of all verbs
[#]Changed EXP from Mortars from 10XP/kill to 4XP/kill

Update 2/22/09
[%]Fixed Anchors with maximizing the window
[%]Fixed units not moving
[%]Fixed Mortar giving EXP instead of taking
[%]Fixed HUD buttons
[%]Fixed spawning units for Germans
[+]Added Upgrade menu
[+]Added Client-Side Saving
[+]Added Military Ranking
[+]Added Win/Lost Records(Can view yours and others in 'Who' tab)
[+]Added Grenadier unit
[+]Added new HUD - has less verbs now
[#]Changed EXP given fighting AI - Veteran from 200 to 400 EXP.
[#]Tweaked AI code to make them smarter
[#]Removed AI from using Mortars as of now
[#]Fixed all bugs known
[#]Changed Upgrades from giving +5 to +8
[#]Changed the user interface a little


Owned22: (Jun 6 2011, 4:23 pm)
no you're not :P
Xadux: (Apr 2 2011, 4:30 am)
First !
Ganing: (Nov 26 2009, 8:20 pm)
Good game, but the skin needs to stretch abit, some of the labels are too small. (Medals would be nice if their already aren't any)