
by L0L
A remake of the popular game- with even more features. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Dec 25 2005
Last updated: Feb 18 2006
Last played: Nov 8 2008
1 fan

Waiting List

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This is an EXTREMELY barebones version that is hosted purely for testing as I go along, but smileys and Instant Messenging work. Coming soon is in game email (to keep in contact with your offline friends), ranks, mods, MORE smileys, and a ton of other features.

Update: Added a point system where you get a point for everything you say. You can later use these points to buy things from the shop, like new font colors and smileys. The shop is still under construction, but you still earn points to use when it is finished.

Special thanks to the following secksi people:
Artemio- Coding Help