To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:
DreamDownload byond://Kylemark.WorldAtWar##version=1
Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:
Version 1
Date added: | Nov 7 2009 |
Last updated: | May 12 2013 |
460 fans
1 Game Live!
Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.
[1 player --- 8:26 p.m. --- 13th January, 72 CE (moon phase: waning)]
Hosted by Kylemark
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
Build up your country. Train your units. Attack other countries. Its War!
Winning Conditions:
Be the First to Own 30 countries
Losing Conditions:
You will restart if you have no income or no countries
game address:
Top Players
#1 |
Adrammelech |
20 |
#2 |
Alexia |
23 |
#3 |
Aoife |
18 |
#4 |
Arimathea |
6 |
#5 |
Ashrinar |
14 |
#6 |
August |
13 |
#7 |
Ban |
12 |
#8 |
Blax |
25 |
#9 |
Boomhauer |
25 |
#10 |
Breanne |
6 |
#11 |
Destromicus |
6 |
#12 |
Dirk |
25 |
#13 |
Donkey Punch |
9 |
#14 |
DragonMaster |
25 |
#15 |
Dri |
3 |
#16 |
Dricien |
24 |
#17 |
Eladriel |
25 |
#18 |
Elin |
25 |
#19 |
Funz |
18 |
#20 |
Hades |
16 |
Medals Earned
No players have earned any medals yet.
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